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I recently joined other Salesforce influencers in contributing to Mason Frank’s ‘Ask The Experts’ series, where I wrote about my ten best tips to become an amazing Salesforce Developer. Here’s a quick summary below and link to the full article, I hope you enjoy!

10 signs you’re an amazing Salesforce Developer

“Am I the best Salesforce Developer I can be?”

This is a question all Salesforce Developers should be asking themselves. If you said “Yes”, well… you don’t need to read this post as you may be in the “Olympus” of coders.

If your answer is “No”, welcome my friend, keep reading this post. I have some tips for you, based on my experiences, that may lead you to the right trail.

I’ve always felt like I’ve never achieved anything to the top level, and I guess this drove me to overcome my limits and achieve a lot in my personal and professional life.

If you are in the circle of developers that believe they can empower their skills day after day, you are using a mental process that I call “Continuous Self-Improvement” (CSI, isn’t it cool? I guess I’ve not invented anything, but I love giving names to stuff). I even call it the “John Snow syndrome”, because your student mentality means you’re a coder who feels like they “know nothing”.

Keep reading on Mason Frank blog…