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In less than 2 years the ORGanizer for Salesforce Chrome & Firefox Extension reached more than 10,000 active users, and there is no way to stop it!

It’s an incredible goal and I’m so proud to help Salesforce users/devs/admins life day by day!

We’ve made a new T-shirt design (thanks to my dear friend Davide D’Annibale) on the ORGanizer Swag store to celebrate this event!

Support the #BestSalesforceExtensionEver with:

We want numbers!

Main stats are being collected since August 2017:

  • 2M+ times popups has been opened
  • 2M+ total events triggered
  • 1.3M+ logins done with the ORGanizer
  • 70k+ credentials stored

Since middle of May 2018 (when the ORGanizer Sponsorship Program started):

  • 55k times the ORGanizer button has been pressed
  • 33k Quicklinks opened
  • 2k sponsor banners has been clicked

This is a worldwide success!

Sessions all over the Earth

U.S.A. counts the most sessions!

And English is the most used language!

I cannot be happier and more proud for this awesome goal and the support from the community has been priceless!

I wanna “10k You” all guys, thanks for bringing the ORGanizer for Salesforce into your lives!

I wanna thank again Davide D’Annibale for his precious help on the graphics part and for realizing this amazing “10k You” image!

Let’s meet again at 100k!