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Source: AssetShare

This object allow a user that has access to the record to share the Asset object directly to a User or a Group.

To create such object you have to change the Asset Sharing Settings to at least “Public Read Only” by clicking on Setp > Security Controls > Sharing Settings:

Now the Sharing button will compare on the Asset page layout (if you don’t see it, add it with the layout editor):

This page shows all the users, groups, roles and territories that have access to the record.

Let’s manually add a new manual share:

And this is the result (added a group and a user):

The Expand List shows the details of the users to whom the Asset is shared:

The SOQL to query the objects:

Select Id, Asset.Name, RowCause, UserOrGroup.Id, UserOrGroup.Name, UserOrGroup.Type, AssetAccessLevel from AssetShare