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Have you been a good or a bad boy this year?

It doesn’t matter to TrailheadClaus, so he put new modules under the tree for you!

At first we have a new trail for advanced administrators.

This includes Event Monitoring and Lightning Connect modules and the new Advanced Formulas module.

This module explains advanced features of the formula fields’s synthax, allowing to reach a high level of proficiency on this important feature of the platform, including examples and use cases with a great diversity of scenarios.
Do you wanna the a Formula Expert? This is your chance!

The next module is about callouts in Apex, Apex Integration Services:

What is a Callout? How to make a REST callout? And what about SOAP? How to test them? Follow this module and all your questions will be answered.

On the beginner admin trail an awesome Lightning Chatter Basics module, that guides you through the Chatter Lightning experience:

This is a complete and easy guide on how to use and configure Chatter in Lightning mode.

The Lightning Data Management module helps admins and developers to import CSV data in your CRM using the Lightning experience mode

The Application Lifecycle Management modulo has been edited and improved to better explain application lifecycle management (how to deploy in sandbox, production, version control, …):

Last but not least a trailhead comes with a new awesome project, Build a Battle Station App: create the CRM for your Death Star, so you can manage its resources and report all your supplies!

And if you complete it before December 31st you can win awesome prices!