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Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung NEXT, NetApp and Check Point, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership. Today he heads Agile SEO, the leading marketing agency in the technology industry.

What Is CodeGen LLM? 

CodeGen LLM, or code generation language model, is an open source AI system created by Salesforce, which assists with coding tasks. It leverages a neural network architecture to parse and generate code across various programming languages. CodeGen automates repetitive tasks and improves coding efficiency, allowing developers to focus more on creative problem-solving tasks. Enabled by a large corpus of code data, CodeGen can predict and suggest code snippets, enhancing the software development process.

The primary role of CodeGen is to reduce time spent on mundane code-writing steps, thus accelerating the development cycle. Its integration into development environments allows for transitions between human and machine-generated code, offering productivity gains. 

CodeGen Versions 

Since its initial release, CodeGen has gone through several iterations, each enhancing its capabilities and performance.

  • CodeGen 1.0: Launched in early 2022, this was the first major version of Salesforce’s open-source LLM for code generation. It featured up to 16 billion parameters, making it one of the largest open-source models at the time. CodeGen 1.0 established a foundation for generating and understanding code across various programming languages.
  • CodeGen 2.0: Released in early 2023, this version introduced improvements in the quality of code generation. It became a practical tool for developers, saving them around 90 minutes per day by automating routine coding tasks. With the release of CodeGen 2.0, it started to be used internally at Salesforce for AI-powered development workflows.
  • CodeGen 2.5: Released in July 2023, CodeGen 2.5 was optimized for production environments, offering lower latency and better overall performance. It was trained on a massive dataset, StarCoderData, containing 783GB of code from 86 programming languages. With over 600,000 monthly downloads, CodeGen 2.5 has become widely adopted.

CodeGen Architecture and Components [QG3]

CodeGen is built on a transformer-based architecture, which uses self-attention mechanisms to handle both programming and natural language tasks. At its core, it combines an encoder-decoder structure, specifically optimized for code generation. The architecture relies on a prefix-based model, known as a Prefix-LM, to unify the strengths of both bi-directional and uni-directional attention mechanisms. This design allows CodeGen to handle both code synthesis and understanding tasks by enabling bi-directional attention for understanding contexts and uni-directional attention for auto-regressive code generation.

The model is trained using a mix of causal language modeling and span corruption, ensuring information transfer across various tasks. Span corruption allows the model to recover missing sections of code, making it useful for code completion tasks. CodeGen also incorporates infill sampling, enabling the model to fill in missing code between two known sections, improving its flexibility in generating structured and coherent code.

Additionally, the training data for CodeGen includes a mixture of programming languages and natural language, which enhances its versatility. The mixture of these datasets helps CodeGen excel in multi-modal environments, supporting diverse programming needs while maintaining strong performance in natural language processing​.

CodeGen Use Cases 

CodeGen LLM serves a variety of practical purposes within software development, enabling automation and enhancing productivity for developers. One key use case is code completion. CodeGen is trained to predict the next sequences of code based on existing patterns, making it invaluable for completing partially written code. This functionality reduces the time developers spend on tasks like closing brackets, writing function endings, or repeating known structures.

Another prominent use case is code synthesis. CodeGen can generate new code snippets based on high-level descriptions or function names. This capability aids in rapidly creating boilerplate code, such as class definitions, import statements, or repetitive logic.

In addition to these capabilities, code refactoring is another area where CodeGen excels. By analyzing and understanding existing code, it can suggest optimizations, enforce coding standards, and identify areas that can be improved. This reduces the likelihood of errors and improves the quality of the codebase over time.

Finally, CodeGen supports multilingual coding environments, allowing it to switch between different programming languages as needed. This versatility makes it suitable for projects that involve multiple languages, enhancing collaboration across teams and minimizing the friction of switching between syntax rules​.

Notable CodeGen Alternatives 

CodeGen LLM is a newcomer to the AI coding assistant arena, and there are several established alternatives. Here are a few tools you might consider as an alternative to the Salesforce offering.


Tabnine’s AI coding assistant is an AI-powered code assistant that automates repetitive tasks and improves code generation efficiency.

Key features of Tabnine include:

  • Autogenerated code: Generates high-quality code and converts plain text into code, reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks.
  • AI chat for development: Provides AI-driven assistance throughout the software development lifecycle, from code creation and testing to documentation and bug fixing.
  • Context-aware suggestions: Offers personalized code suggestions based on the developer’s code patterns and usage history.
  • Wide language and IDE support: Compatible with popular programming languages, libraries, and integrated development environments (IDEs).
  • Customizable AI models: Allows developers to create models specifically trained on their own codebase for more tailored assistance.

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances developer workflows by providing real-time code suggestions and improving code quality.

Key features of GitHub Copilot include:

  • AI-based code suggestions: Offers real-time code completions and suggestions as developers type, based on the context of the project and style conventions.
  • Natural language to code: Translates natural language prompts into functional code, allowing developers to build features and fix bugs more efficiently.
  • Improved code quality: Enhances code quality with built-in vulnerability prevention, blocking insecure coding patterns and ensuring safer code.
  • Collaboration-enhancing: Acts as a virtual team member, answering questions about the codebase, explaining complex code snippets, and offering suggestions for improving legacy code.
  • Personalized documentation: Provides tailored documentation with inline citations.

Amazon Q Developer

Amazon Q Developer is a generative AI-powered assistant built to streamline software development tasks and optimize AWS resource management.

Key features of Amazon Q Developer include:

  • Real-time code suggestions: Provides instant code completions, from simple snippets to full functions, based on your comments and existing code. It also supports command-line interface (CLI) completions and natural language translations to bash.
  • Autonomous agents for software development: Automates multi-step tasks like feature implementation, code documentation, and project bootstrapping, all initiated from a single prompt.
  • Legacy code modernization: Facilitates quick upgrades for legacy Java applications, with transformations from Java 8 to Java 17, and upcoming support for cross-platform .NET transformations.
  • Custom code recommendations: Integrates securely with private repositories to generate highly relevant code suggestions and help developers understand internal codebases more effectively.
  • Infrastructure management via chat: Assists with AWS resource management, from diagnosing errors and fixing network issues to recommending optimal instances for various tasks, all through simple natural language prompts.

Replit AI

Replit AI is an AI-powered coding assistant designed to collaborate with developers in building software efficiently.

Key features of Replit AI include:

  • Context-aware assistance: Provides personalized suggestions based on the entire codebase, offering help with debugging, generating test cases, writing documentation, and setting up API integrations.
  • Collaborative AI chat: Enables teamwork by allowing developers to collaborate in real-time using AI chat to solve coding challenges and implement features together.
  • Code understanding: Helps developers navigate unfamiliar codebases, frameworks, APIs, and languages by providing explanations and clarifying complex sections of code.
  • Natural language code generation: Converts natural language prompts into working code, simplifying tasks like making design changes or debugging.
  • Automated code completion: Offers auto-complete suggestions and runtime debugging to help automate repetitive coding tasks, speeding up the development process.


The landscape of AI-powered coding tools is vast and continually evolving, with CodeGen and its alternatives playing critical roles in transforming how development tasks are approached. Each tool offers strengths, catering to various aspects of developer productivity and project demands. Understanding these tools’ capabilities and limitations is crucial for developers intending to integrate AI into their workflows.

Choosing between tools like CodeGen and its alternatives depends largely on the specific needs of a development team or project. While some tools excel in cloud integrations, others might be better suited for collaborative coding environments. A thorough understanding of project goals, infrastructure, and development processes can guide informed decisions regarding the adoption of an AI code generation tool.