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This guest post is written by Harikrishna Kundariya, marketer, developer,
IoT, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies. His 12+ years of experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and SaaS applications.

Salesforce is a well-known customer relationship management (CRM) platform that manages large amounts of sensitive data, which is essential to the operations of many organizations. It is vital that sensitive data be secured and that unwanted access be prevented. 

Salesforce best practices to strengthen your Salesforce environment:

1. Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Other Robust Authentication Mechanisms

Adding multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a powerful way to increase Salesforce account security. By requiring users to provide two or more verification factors—usually a password and something the user has, such as a mobile device or security token—this technique provides an extra layer of security. Salesforce encourages better security by requiring multi-factor authentication for all direct logins.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

SSO increases security and simplifies the login procedure. Users may access Salesforce and other apps with a single set of credentials by connecting Salesforce with an SSO solution, reducing the risks related to password fatigue and the usage of weak passwords.

2. Use Profiles and Permission Sets to Control Access

Users’ behaviours inside the Salesforce environment are described in their profiles. Every user has a profile that determines their access levels and permissions. It is recommended that administrators periodically examine and update user profiles to make sure users have access levels that correspond to their jobs.

Authorization Sets

More precise control over user permissions is provided by permission sets. Permission sets can be applied to users in addition to their profiles, unlike profiles, which are assigned to users. This flexibility makes it possible to provide limited or temporary rights without changing the user’s profile.

3. Adopt Data Encryption Restriction-Free Encryption

Salesforce protects data kept on its servers using encryption while it is inactive. When data is encrypted while it is at rest, it guarantees that in the event of unwanted access to the physical storage, the data cannot be decrypted without the necessary decryption keys. An add-on called Salesforce Shield offers complete encryption solutions for data that is not in use.

Transparent Encryption

Salesforce uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption to protect data that is actively travelling between places, such as over the internet or a private network. By doing this, data security is maintained as it moves between Salesforce servers and users.

4. Consistent Security Audits and Security Health Assessment Monitoring

Salesforce provides a Security Health Assessment tool that compares your Salesforce environment’s security parameters to the suggested baseline. This tool offers recommendations for improvements and helps identify possible weaknesses.

Constant Observation

Salesforce activity may be tracked in real-time by using continuous monitoring tools. Tools that provide insights into user behaviour, such as Salesforce Shield’s Event Monitoring, can help identify potentially suspicious activity and security breaches.

5. Make Field-Level Security Mandatory

Whether a user may read, change, or remove the values of a particular field on an object is determined by field-level security settings. Administrators can protect sensitive data from unwanted access or manipulation by configuring field-level security. This is particularly important for fields that hold financial or personal data.

6. Utilize Sharing Rules to Reduce Data Exposure

Using Salesforce’s sharing rules, administrators may permit users to share information according to their responsibilities, record ownership, or other predetermined criteria. This lowers the possibility of illegal data exposure by guaranteeing that users only access the data necessary for their job duties.

7. Put Role Hierarchies in Place

Salesforce role hierarchies allow users to view records shared or controlled by people below in the hierarchy. Role hierarchies should be carefully created by administrators to match the organisation’s structure and data access guidelines. By doing this, consumers are guaranteed the right access levels without needlessly disclosing private information.

8. Apply Salesforce Shield

Salesforce Shield offers sophisticated security features including platform encryption, field audit trails, and event monitoring. These solutions include strong encryption features, extended data tracking capabilities, and improved visibility into user activity. Businesses that deal with extremely sensitive data have to think about enhancing their security posture by purchasing Salesforce Shield.

9. Inform Users of Recommended Security Practices

An essential component of any security plan is user training. Users should get regular training sessions that teach them the importance of using strong passwords, how to spot phishing efforts, and how to report suspicious activity. Providing users with information can dramatically lower the risk of security breaches caused by mistakes made by people.

10. Carry out regular penetration tests

Penetration testing is a process that simulates cyberattacks on your Salesforce system to find security holes that might be used by hostile actors. Frequent penetration testing reveals security flaws and provides a chance to fix them before they are used in actual assaults. Hire Salesforce Developers from reputed organization possessing core expertise in handling Salesforce operations and safeguarding the system from online threats.

11. Implement DLP (Data Loss Prevention) Guidelines

Policies for data loss prevention (DLP) help stop private information from being disclosed to or leaked from outside the company. Sensitive data security may be ensured by configuring DLP systems to monitor and restrict data flows per specified criteria.

12. Examine and oversee integrations with other parties

Additional security concerns may be introduced by third-party programs and integrations. It is imperative that administrators closely monitor and oversee these integrations to guarantee adherence to the security protocols of the firm. Frequent audits of third-party programs can assist in locating any weak points and guarantee that only essential and safe integrations are present.

13. Keep Up with Patches and Security Updates

To fix security flaws and improve the platform’s security features, Salesforce regularly issues updates and patches. Administrators need to be aware of these upgrades and make sure they are applied as soon as possible. Keeping up with the most recent security developments can be facilitated by subscribing to Salesforce’s security alerts.


A complete approach that includes strong authentication, precise access control, encryption, ongoing monitoring, and user education is required to secure your Salesforce environment. Organizations may reduce the risks of unauthorized access and protect sensitive data by putting these salesforce best practices into effect. Maintaining the ongoing protection of your Salesforce data and aggressively addressing new threats need regular reviews and updates of security policies.