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Tag: Salesforce DX

Setting up SFDX Continuous Integration using Bitbucket Pipelines with Docker image

Ivano Guerini is a Salesforce Senior Developer at Webresults, part of Engineering Group since 2015.
He started my career on Salesforce during his university studies and based his final thesis on it.
He’s passionate about technology and development, in his spare time he enjoys developing applications mainly on Node.js.

In this article, I’m going to walk you through the steps to set up CI with Salesforce DX.

For this, I decided to take advantage of Bitbucket and it’s integrated tool Bitbucket Pipelines.

This choice is not made after a comparison between the various version control systems and CI tools but is driven by some business needs for which we decided to fully embrace the cloud solutions and in particular the Atlassian suite of which Bitbucket its part.

What is Continuous Integration?

In software engineering, continuous integration (often abbreviated to CI) is a practice that is applied in contexts in which software development takes place through a versioning system. It consists of frequent alignment from the work environments of the developers to the shared environment.

In particular, it is generally assumed that automatic tests have been prepared that developers can execute immediately before releasing their contributions to the shared environment, so as to ensure that the changes do not introduce errors into the existing software.

Let’s apply this concept to our Salesforce development process using sfdx.

First of all, we have a production org where we want to deploy and maintain the application than typically we have one or more sandboxes such as for UAT, Integration Test and development.

With sfdx, we also have the concept of scratch org, disposable and preconfigured organizations where we, as developers, can deploy and test our work before pushing them into the deployment process.

In the image below you can see an approach to the CI with Salesforce DX. Once a developer have finished a feature he can push into the main Developer branch, from this the CI take place creating a scratch Org to run automated tests, such as Apex Unit Test or even Selenium like test automatisms. If there is no error the dev can create a pull request moving forward in the deployment process.

In this article, I’ll show you how to set up all the required tools and as an example, we will only set up an auto-deploy to our Salesforce org on every git push operation.


Let’s start with a brief description of the tools we’re going to use:

  • Git – is a version control system for tracking changes in files and coordinating work on those files across the team. All metadata items, whether modified on the server or locally, are tracked via GIT. This provides us with a version history as well as traceability.
  • Bitbucket – is a cloud-based GIT server from Atlassian used for hosting our repository. It provides a UI to navigate the GIT repository and has many additional features like pull requests. These are used for approving and merging changes.
  • Docker – provides a way to run applications securely, packaged with all its dependencies and libraries. So, we will be using it to create an environment for running sfdx commands.
  • Bitbucket Pipelines – is an add-on for Bitbucket cloud that will allow us to kick off deployments and validations when updates are made to the branches in Bitbucket.

If you have always worked in Salesforce, then it’s quite possible that Docker containers sound alien to you. So what is Docker? In simple terms, Docker can be thought of as a virtual machine in the cloud. Docker provides an environment in the cloud where applications can run. Bitbucket Pipelines support Docker images for running the Continuous Integration scripts. So, instead of installing sfdx in your local system, you’d now specify them to be installed in your Docker image, so that our CI scripts can run.

Create a developer Org and enable the DevHub

We made a brief introduction about what CI is and the tools we’re going to use, now it’s time to get to the heart of it and start configuring our tools. Starting from our Salesforce Org.

We are going to enable the devhub to be able to work with sfdx and we are going to set up a connected app that allows us to handle the login process inside our docker container.

For this article, I created a dedicated developer Org in order to have a clean environment.

We can do this simply filling out the form from the Salesforce site: https://developer.salesforce.com/signup and complete the registration process.

In this way, we will obtain a new environment on which to perform all the tests we want.

Let’s go immediately to enable the DevHub: Setup → Development → DevHub click on the Enable DevHub toggle.

Once enabled it can’t be disabled but this is a requirement to be able to work with SFDX.

Now you can install the sfdx cli tool on you computer.

Create a connected app

Now that we have our new org and the sfdx cli installed, we can run sfdx commands that makes it easy for us to manage the entire application development life cycle from the command line, including creating scripts that facilitate automation.

However, our CI will run in a separate environment where we haven’t a direct control, such as for the logging. So we will need a way to manage the authorization process inside the docker container when your CI automation job runs.

To do this we’ll use the OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) bearer flow that’s supported in the Salesforce CLI, this OAuth flow gives you the ability to authenticate using the CLI without having to interactively login. This headless flow is perfect for automated builds and scripting.

Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate and Private Key

For a CI solution to work, you’ll generate a private key for signing the JWT bearer token payload, and you’ll create a connected app in the Dev Hub org that contains a certificate generated from that private key.

To create an SSL certificate you need a private key and a certificate signing request. You can generate these files using OpenSSL CLI with a few simple commands.

If you use Unix Based System, you can install the OpenSSL CLI from the official OpenSSL website.

If you use Windows instead, you can download an installer from Shining Light Productions, although there are plenty of alternatives.

We will follow some specific command to create a certificate for our needs, if you want to better understand how OpenSSL works, you can find a handy guide in this article.

If you are not familiar with OpenSSL you can find a good

  1. Create a folder on your PC to store the generated files
    mkdir certificates
  2. Generate an RSA private key
    openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:<password> -out server.pass.key 2048
  3. Create a key file from the server.pass.key file using the same password from before:
    openssl rsa -passin pass:<password> -in server.pass.key -out server.key
  4. Delete the server.pass.key:
    rm server.pass.key
  5. Request and generate the certificate, when prompted for the challenge password press enter to skip the step:
    openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
  6. Generate the SSL certificate:
    openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

The self-signed SSL certificate is generated from the server.key private key and server.csr files.

Create the Connected App

The next step is to create a connected app on Salesforce that includes the certificate we just created.

  1. From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
  2. Click New Connected App.
  3. Enter the connected app name and your email address:
    1. Connected App Name: sfdx ci
    1. Contact Email: <your email address>
  1. Select Enable OAuth Settings.
  2. Enter the callback URL:
  3. http://localhost:1717/OauthRedirect
  4. Select Use digital signatures.
  5. To upload your server.crt file, click Choose File.
  6. For OAuth scopes, add:
    • Access and manage your data (api)
    • Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
    • Provide access to your data via the Web (web)
  7. Click Save

Edit Policies to avoid authorization step

After you’ve saved your connected app, edit the policies to enable the connected app to circumvent the manual login process.

  1. Click Manage.
  2. Click Edit Policies.
  3. In the OAuth policies section, for Permitted Users select Admin approved users are pre-authorized, then click OK.
  4. Click Save.

Create a Permission Set

Lastly, create a permission set and assign pre-authorized users for this connected app.

  1. From Setup, enter Permission in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets.
  2. Click New.
  3. For the Label, enter: sfdx ci
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click sfdx ci | Manage Assignments | Add Assignments.
  6. Select the checkbox next to your Dev Hub username, then click Assign | Done.
  7. Go back to your connected app.
    1. From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
    2. Next to sfdx ci, click the list item drop-down arrow (), then select Manage.
    3. In the Permission Sets section, click Manage Permission Sets.
    4. Select the checkbox next to sfdx ci, then click Save.

Test the JWT Auth Flow

Open your Dev Hub org.

  • If you already authorized the Dev Hub, open it:
    sfdx force:org:open -u DevHub
  • If you haven’t yet logged in to your Dev Hub org:
    sfdx force:auth:web:login -d -a DevHub

Adding the -d flag sets this org as the default Dev Hub. To set an alias for the org, use the -a flag with an argument to set an alias.

To test the JWT auth flow you’ll use some of the information that we asked you to save previously. We’ll use the consumer key that was generated when you created the connected app (CONSUMER_KEY), the absolute path to the location where you generated your OpenSSL server.key file (JWT_KEY_FILE) and the username for the Dev Hub (HUB_USERNAME).

  1. On the command line, create these three session-based environment variables:
    export CONSUMER_KEY=<connected app consumer key>
    export JWT_KEY_FILE= ../certificates/server.key
    export HUB_USERNAME=<your Dev Hub username>

    These environment variables facilitate running the JWT auth command.
  2. Enter the following command as-is on a single line:
    sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant –clientid ${CONSUMER_KEY} –username ${HUB_USERNAME} \ –jwtkeyfile ${JWT_KEY_FILE} –setdefaultdevhubusername

This command logs in to the Dev Hub using only the consumer key (client ID), the username, and the JWT key file. And best of all, it doesn’t require you to interactively log in, which is important when you want your scripts to run automatically.

Congratulations, you’ve created your connected app and you are able to login using it with the SFDX CLI.

Set up your development environment

In this section we will configure our local environment, creating a remote repository in Bitbucket and linking it to our local sfdx project folder.

If you are already familiar with these steps you can skip and pass directly to the next section.

Create a Git Repository on Bitbucket

If you don’t have a bitbucket account, you can create a free one registering to the following link: https://bitbucket.org/account/signup/

Just insert your email and follow the first registration procedure.

Once logged in you will be able to create a new git repository from the plus button on the right menu.

You will be prompted to a window like the following, just insert a name for the repository, in my case I’ll name it: sfdx-ci, leaving Git selected as Version Control System.

We’re in but our repo is totally empty, Bitbucket provides some quick commands to initialize our repo. Select the clone command:

git clone https://[email protected]/username/sfdx-ci.git

Move to your desktop and open the command line tool and paste and execute the git clone command. This command will create a folder named like the Bitbucket repository already linked to it as a remote branch.

Initialize SFDX project

Without moving from our position, execute the sfdx create project command:
force:project:create -n sfdx-ci

Using the -n parameter with the same name of the folder we just cloned from git.

Try deploy commands

Before we pass to configure our CLI operations let’s try to do it in our local environment.

First of all, we must create our sfdx project.

The general sfdx deployment flow into a sandbox or production org is:

  1. Convert from source form to metadata api form
    sfdx force:source:convert -d <target directory>
  2. Use the metadata api to deploy
    sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d <same directory as step 1> -u <username or alias>

These commands will be the same we are going to use inside our Bitbucket Pipelines, You can try in your local environment to see how they work.

Set up Continuous Integration

In previous sections, we talked mostly about common Salesforce project procedures. In the next one, we are going deeper in the CI world. Starting with a brief introduction to Docker and Bitbucket Pipelines.

Lastly, we’ll see how to create a Docker image with SFDX CLI installed and how to use it in our pipeline to run sfdx deploy commands.


Wikipedia defines Docker as

an open-source project that automates the deployment of software applications inside containers by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of OS-level virtualization on Linux.

In simpler words, Docker is a tool that allows developers, sys-admins, etc. to easily deploy their applications in a sandbox (called containers) to run on the host operating system i.e. Linux. The key benefit of Docker is that it allows users to package an application with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development.

Docker Terminology

Before we go further, let me clarify some terminology that is used frequently in the Docker ecosystem.

  • Images – The blueprints of our application which form the basis of containers.
  • Containers – Containers offer a logical packaging mechanism in which applications can be abstracted from the environment in which they actually run.
  • Docker Daemon – The background service running on the host that manages building, running and distributing Docker containers. The daemon is the process that runs in the operating system to which clients talk to.
  • Docker Client – The command line tool that allows the user to interact with the daemon.
  • Docker Hub – A registry of Docker images. You can think of the registry as a directory of all available Docker images.
  • Dockerfile – A Dockerfile is a simple text file that contains a list of commands that the Docker client calls while creating an image. It’s a simple way to automate the image creation process. The best part is that the commands you write in a Dockerfile are almost identical to their equivalent Linux commands.

Build our personal Docker Image with SFDX CLI installed

Most Dockerfiles start from a parent image. If you need to completely control the contents of your image, you might need to create a base image instead. A parent image is an image that your image is based on. It refers to the contents of the FROM directive in the Dockerfile. Each subsequent declaration in the Dockerfile modifies this parent image.

Most Dockerfiles start from a parent image, rather than a base image, this will be our case, we will start from a Node base image.

Create a folder on your machine and create a file named Dockerfile, and paste the following code:

FROM node:jessie
RUN apk add --update --no-cache git openssh ca-certificates openssl curl
RUN npm install sfdx-cli --global
RUN sfdx --version
USER node

Let’s explain what this code means, in order:

  1. We use a Node base image, this image comes with NPM and Node.js preinstalled. This one is the official Node.js docker image, and jessie indicate the last available version;
  2. Next, with the apk add command we are going to install some additional utility tools mainly git and openssl to handle sfdx login using certificates;
  3. Lastly using npm command we install the SFDX CLI tools;
  4. Just a check for the installed version;
  5. And finally the USER instruction sets the user name to use when running the image.

Now we have to build our image and publishing it to the Docker Hub so to be ready to use in our Pipelines.

  1. Create an account on Docker Hub.
  2. Download and install Docker Desktop. If on Linux, download Docker Engine – Community
  3. Login to Docker Hub with your credentials. 
    docker login –username=yourhubusername –password=yourpassword
  4. Build you Docker Image
    docker build -t <your_username>/sfdxci
  5. Test your docker image locally:
    docker run <your_username>/sfdxci
  6. Push your Docker image to your Docker Hub repository
    docker push <your_username>/sfdxci

Pushing a docker image on the Docker Hub will make it available for use in Bitbucket pipelines.

Bitbucket Pipelines

Now that we have a working Docker Image with sfdx installed we can continue configuring the pipeline, that’s the core of our CI procedure.

Bitbucket Pipelines is an integrated CI/CD service, built into Bitbucket. It allows you to automatically build, test and even deploy your code, based on a configuration file in your repository. Essentially, it creates containers in the cloud for you.

Inside these containers, you can run commands (like you might on a local machine) but with all the advantages of a fresh system, custom configured for your needs.

To set up Pipelines you need to create and configure the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file in the root directory of your repository, if you are working with branches,  to be executed this file must be present in each branch root directory.

A bitbucket-pipelines.yml file looks like the following:

image: atlassian/default-image:2
     - step:
           - echo "Hello world default"
         - step:
               - echo "Hello world feature branch"

There is a lot you can configure in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file, but at its most basic the required keywords are:

  • image – the Docker image that will be used to create the Docker Container, You can use the default image (atlassian/default-image:latest), but using a personal one is preferred to avoid time consumption during the installation of required tools (e.g. SFDX CLI), To specify an image, use image: <your_dockerHub_account/repository_details>:<tag>
  • pipelines – contains all your pipeline definitions.
  • default – contains the steps that run on every push, unless they match one of the other sections.
  • branches – Specify the name of a branch on which run the defined steps, or use a glob pattern (to learn more about the glob patterns, refer to the BitBucket official guide).
  • step – each step starts a new Docker container with a clone of your repository, then runs the contents of your script section.
  • script – a list of cli commands that are executed in sequence.

Other than default and branches there are more signals keyword to identify what step must run, such as pull-request, but I leave you to the official documentation, we are going to use only these two.

Keep in mind that each step in your pipeline runs a separate Docker container and the script runs the commands you provide in this environment with the repository folder available.

Configure SFDX deployment Pipelines

Before configuring our pipeline, let’s review for a moment the steps needed to deploy to a production org using sfdx cli.

First of all we need to login into our SF org, to do so we have created a Salesforce Connected App to allow us logging in without any manual operation, simply using the following command:

sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid  --username  --jwtkeyfile keys/server.key --setdefaultdevhubusername --setalias sfdx-ci --instanceurl 

As you can see there are three parameters that we have to set in this command line:


Bitbucket offer a way to store some variables that can be used in our pipelines in order to avoid hard-coded values.

Under Bitbucket repository Settings → Pipelines → Repository Variables create three variables and fill them in with the data at your disposal.

Another parameter required by this command is the server.key file, in this case I simply added it in my repository under the keys folder.

It’s not a good practice and I will move it in a more secure position, but for this demonstration it’s enough.

Now you are logged in, you need only two sfdx commands to deploy your metadata. One to convert your project in a metadata API format and one to deploy in the sf org:
sfdx force:source:convert -d mdapi
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d mdapi -u <SFDC_PROD_USER>

Like the login command we are going to use a Pipeline Variable to indicate the target org username under the -u parameter.

OK, now that we know how to deploy a SFDX proggect we can put all this into our pipeline.

Move to the root of our sfdx project and create the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file and paste the following code (replace the image name with your own Docker image):

image: ivanoguerini/sfdx:latest
      - echo $SFDC_PROD_URL
      - echo $SFDC_PROD_USER
      - sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid $CONSUMER_KEY --username $SFDC_PROD_USER --jwtkeyfile keys/server.key --setdefaultdevhubusername --setalias sfdx-ci --instanceurl $SFDC_PROD_URL
      - sfdx force:source:convert -d mdapi
      - sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d mdapi -u $SFDC_PROD_USER 

Commit and push this changes to the git repository.

Test the CI

OK we have our CI up and running, let’s do a quick test.

In your project create a new apex class and put some code in it. Then commit and push your changes.

git add .
git commit -am “Test CI”
git push

As we said the pipeline will run on every push into the remote repository, you can check the running status under the Pipelines menu. You will see something like this:

As you know, the mdapi:deploy command is asynchronous so to check if there was some errors during the deploy you have to run the following command mdapi:deploy:report specifying the jobId or if you prefer you can check the deploy directly in the salesforce Org under Deployment section.


With this article I wanted to provide you with the necessary knowledge to start configuring a CI using the BitBucket Pipelines.

Obviously what I showed you is not enough for a CI that can be used in an enterprise project, there is still a lot to do.

Here are some starting points to improve what we have seen:

  1. Store the server.key in a safe place so that it is not directly accessible from your repository.
  2. Manage the CI in the various sandbox environments used
  3. For the developer branch, consider automating the creation a scratch org and running Apex Unit Tests.

But, I leave this to you.

Salesforce DX Setup – Everything You need to Know

Let’s talk about a great new addition of the Spring’19 platform release to the
Salesforce Dev world, the Lightning Web Components framework, with our guest blogger Priscilla Sharon, Salesforce Business Solution Executive for DemandBlue.

DemandBlue is in the business of helping its customers maximize their Salesforce investment through predictable outcomes. As we thrive in an era of cloud-based Infrastructure, Platform and Software services, DemandBlue has pioneered “Service-as-a-Service” through a value-based On Demand Service model that drives bottom-line results. They foster innovation through “Continuous Engagement and On Demand Execution” that offers their customers Speed, Value and Success to achieve their current and future business objectives.

Salesforce DX Setup – Since inception, one of Salesforce’s core philosophies and the Big Idea has been to make building easy. Software should not be complex to install, set up, or customize. In fact, you shouldn’t have to even install software – it should be available to you at the click of a button – This declarative approach of Salesforce brought an end to complex and traditional methods of software development that even non-tech executives including business analysts and managers could slickly build line-of-business applications in a few clicks. However, while Salesforce was democratizing application development through clicks-not-code approach and ushering in the era of citizen programmer, there were other players who were strengthening their appeal to the traditional developer. With nuanced business requirements, modeling complex domains require more flexibility than clicks-not-code affords. Traditional methods of development weren’t dead after all.

As a result, Salesforce’s marketing and development efforts wanted to cater to the traditional developer with the introduction of Salesforce DX, a revolutionary product in the Salesforce App Cloud that allows users to develop and manage Salesforce apps throughout the entire platform in a more direct and efficient way. Used primarily by developers, Salesforce DX setup enables users to have true version control that allows them to have a better control over collaboration, auditing, disaster control and more.

Take a deeper dive into the comprehensive blog that gives you in-depth insights on how you can enable Salesforce DX environment and truly maximize its unique benefits.

Your 12 Step Salesforce DX Setup Guide

1.     Set up your project

Salesforce DX introduces a new project structure for your org’s metadata (code and configuration), your org templates, your sample data, and all your team’s tests. Store these items in a version control system (VCS) to bring consistency to your team’s development processes. Retrieve the contents of your team’s repository when you’re ready to develop a new feature.

2.     Salesforce DX Setup – Authorize the Developer Hub org for the project

During Salesforce DX setup, the Dev Hub org enables you to create, delete, and manage your Salesforce scratch orgs. After you set up your project on your local machine, you authorize with the Dev Hub org before you create a scratch org.

For this, you need to login to Dev/Sandbox Org from CLI

Run the force:auth:web:login CLI command on a directory where code for deploy to sfdx will be available.

sfdx force:auth:web:login –d


sfdx force:auth:web:login --setdefaultdevhubusername --setalias {ALIAS HERE}

NOTE: Login must be a valid login to your Dev/Sandbox Org and with Admin permissions.

3.     Configure your local project

The project configuration file sfdx-project.json indicates that the directory is a Salesforce DX setup project. The configuration file contains project information and facilitates the authentication of scratch orgs and the creation of second-generation packages. It also tells the Salesforce CLI where to put files when syncing between the project and scratch org.

4.     Configure your local project

After you create the scratch org definition file, you can easily spin up a scratch org and open it directly from the command line.

a)      Create the scratch org

  • Create a scratch org for development using a scratch org definition file. The scratch org definition defines the org edition, features, org preferences, and some other options.
  • Specify scratch org definition values on the command line using key=value pairs
  • Create a scratch org with an alias
  • Create a scratch org for user acceptance testing or to test installations of packages
  • Indicate that this scratch org is the default
  • Specify the scratch org’s duration, which indicates when the scratch org expires (in days)

b)      Open the org

  • To open the scratch org: sfdx force:org:open -u <username/alias>
  • To open the scratch org in Lightning Experience or open a Visualforce page, use the –path parameter: sfdx force:org:open –path lightning

c)       Set default user

Copy the username and enter the following command to set the defaultusername:

sfdx force:config:set defaultusername={SET THIS TO NEW SCRATCH ORG’S USERNAME FROM THE ABOVE  COMMAND}

d)      Display All Orgs

Run the following command to confirm the default Dev Hub [marked with (D)] and Active Scratch Org [marked with (U)]:

sfdx force:org:list --all

5.        Push the source from your project to the scratch org

To push changed source to your default scratch org:

sfdx force:source:push

To push changed source to a scratch org that’s not the default, you can indicate it by its username or alias:

sfdx force:source:push --targetusername [email protected]
sfdx force:source:push -u [email protected]
sfdx force:source:push -u MyGroovyScratchOrg

Selecting Files to Ignore During Push. It’s likely that you have some files that you don’t want to sync between the project and scratch org. You can have the push command ignore the files you indicate in .forceignore.

If Push Detects Warnings. If conflicts have been detected and you want to override them, here’s how you use the power of the force (overwrite) to push the source to a scratch org.

sfdx force:source:push –forceoverwrite

6. Salesforce DX Setup – Develop the app

a.       Create Source Files from the CLI

To add source files from the Salesforce CLI, make sure that you are working in an appropriate directory.

Execute one of these commands.


b.       Edit Source Files

To edit a FlexiPage in your default browser—for example, to edit the Property_Record_Page source—execute this command.

sfdx force:source:open -f Property_Record_Page.flexipage-meta.xml

7.     Pull the source to keep your project and scratch org in sync

After you do an initial push, Salesforce DX tracks the changes between your local file system and your scratch org. If you change your scratch org, you usually want to pull those changes to your local project to keep both in sync.

During development, you change files locally in your file system and change the scratch org using the builders and editors that Salesforce supplies. Usually, these changes don’t cause a conflict and involve unique files.

By default, only changed source is synced back to your project.

To pull changed source from the scratch org to the project:

sfdx force:source:pull

To pull source to the project if a conflict has been detected (read more):

sfdx force:source:pull –forceoverwrite

8.     Salesforce DX Setup – Run tests

When you’re ready to test changes to your Salesforce app source code, you can run Apex tests from the Salesforce DX CLI. Apex tests are run in your scratch org.

You can also execute the CLI command for running Apex tests (force:apex:test:run) from within third-party continuous integration tools, such as Jenkins.

9.     Export The Package.xml

Export package.xml file into the temporary directory. Type the commands below in the root folder of your Salesforce DX project:

sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -r ./temp -u {TARGETUSERNAME} -k  {SFDC PROJECT SOURCE LOCATION}\src\package.xml

10.       Convert Source code to Salesforce  DX

Convert the source code to the Salesforce Developer Experience project structure by running the following command:

sfdx force:mdapi:convert --rootdir temp --outputdir force-app

11.        Track Changes Between the Project and Scratch Org

To view the status of local or remote files:

sfdx force:source:status 

12. Salesforce DX Setup – Sync up

Sync the local version with the version deployed to Scratch Org for every change and test the changes on the Scratch Org by repeating the above steps. Once the testing is completed, we need to convert the source from Salesforce DX format to the Metadata API format. This is done by running the following command:

sfdx force:source:convert --outputdir {OUTPUT DIRECTORY HERE}

Copy the modified metadata files from this output location to the actual source location where the metadata files are downloaded from Dev/Sandbox Org to deploy the files to the server.

[Salesforce DX / Data Fractory] Populate your Salesforce org with data using Forceea and Salesforce CLI: a step-by-step guide

Today’s post has been written by Nikos Mitrakis, the creator of Forceea, an amazing Data Factory Framework for Salesforce.

Some facts about Nikos:

  • Salesforce Developer at Johnson & Johnson EMEA Development Centre (EDC)
  • Started his Salesforce journey in 2014
  • Has passed 9 certifications, including Certified Application Architect
  • Holds a Physics degree
  • Leader of Limerick, Ireland Developer Group
  • Married since 1994, has a daughter
  • Loves watching sci-fi movies and good comedies
  • Lives in Limerick, Ireland

All posts by Nikos

So, you are an awesome Administrator, Developer, Consultant or Architect and you have your Scratch org, Developer Sandbox or Developer edition org ready for development, testing, training or a demo. But your org doesn’t have any data ☹, or it doesn’t have the data you want. What can you do?

Well, you have the following options:

  1. Use an ETL tool to move data from another Org or get data from CSV files.
  2. Use Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) using the commands sfdx force:data:tree:export and force:data:tree:import to export/ data from another Org and import the data (in JSON format).
  3. Develop a custom solution (Apex) to insert the records you need programmatically.
  4. Use a Data Factory to insert the required data.

The first (ETL) and second (CLI) solutions don’t need development skills, they may not be very difficult to configure (using CLI should be easier), and they let you populate your org with a specific set of records – if you really want this. The problem is that data requirements change very fast and if you have to continuously create manually the records you need in one org and then copy them to your org, this process will eventually be slow and time-consuming.

The third (Apex) solution gives you the maximum flexibility, but it’s time-consuming as well, not to mention the high level of technical knowledge it requires.

Now let’s see the fourth solution, the Data Factory. Using a Data Factory, you won’t have to write complex code or have advanced knowledge of an ETL tool. You’ll be able to easily generate and insert the records you need for any SObject and easily modify the process to adopt any new data requirements. Sounds interesting?

Stay with me as we’re going to implement such a data population project using Forceea (forˈsēa) data factory framework – this framework is an open source GitHub project (https://github.com/nmitrakis/Forceea). Keep in mind that the framework is perfect for a developer who wants to create records for the test methods, but that’s another story.

In this step-by-step guide we’ll assume that you have no programming knowledge! (you may be even a power Salesforce user). Ready to start? (Take a deep breath…)

Step 0: Prerequisites – Prepare your org

  • For Classic orgs: You have created a Sandbox or a Developer org.
  • For Salesforce DX Scratch orgs: you have created your scratch org.

For both Classic and DX, after the org creation you should have deployed your project’s metadata and set your org ready for the final data population.

Step 1: Install the Salesforce CLI

If you haven’t installed the Salesforce CLI, go to https://developer.salesforce.com/tools/sfdxcli, download the CLI for your system and install it. Accept the default settings and after a while your Salesforce CLI will be ready to run.

Step 2: Authorize your org

To use CLI, you need to authorize your org. To do this, open the Command Prompt window and execute the following command:

sfdx force:auth:web:login -r https://login.salesforce.com -a OrgAlias

Some comments here:

  • If you’re authorizing a sandbox, the instance URL will be https://test.salesforce.com.
  • You should replace OrgAlias with the alias of your org (choose one, e.g. sf1).

To verify that everything is fine, log into your org using the command

sfdx force:org:open -u OrgAlias

Step 3: Install Forceea

There are two ways to install Forceea.

Method 1: Go to https://github.com/nmitrakis/Forceea and click the following button:

You’ll be re-directed to the page:

  • If you install in a sandbox, select Deploy to: Sandbox. Otherwise, accept the default selection (Production/Developer).
  • Click the Login to Salesforce button (on the right corner) and give your credentials.
  • Then click Allow to give the tool the access to your org. You are redirected to a new page where the From GitHub Repository section lists the details of Forceea URL and the To Salesforce Org section the details of the target org. Click the Deploy button (on the right corner).
  • After a few seconds you’ll see the message Deployment Complete at the bottom of your page.

Method 2: Go to the GitHub repository https://github.com/nmitrakis/Forceea and click Clone or Download.

Click Download ZIP. After a few seconds the Forceea-master.zip will have been downloaded. Unzip the zip file and you will find the metadata folder, which contains

  • the src folder, with a folder with each metadata component and the package.xml
  • the dx folder, with the Salesforce DX components
  • a build.properties file
  • a build.xml file

The easiest way to regularly use Forceea is to include its metadata into your Repository (either classic or DX metadata). Then you can deploy it with your project’s metadata.

Step 4: Create the Forceea scripts

What are Forceea scripts?

Forceea uses a language (Sample Data Definition Language – SDDL) to describe the “nature” of the required data. A script is a set of commands. Let’s see an example, which creates and inserts opportunities:

FObject obj = new FObject('Opportunity', 100);
obj.setDefinition('Name', 'static value(Opp-)');
obj.setDefinition('Name', 'serial type(number) from(1) step(1) scale(0)');
obj.setDefinition('AccountId', 'random lookup(Account) field(Industry) value(Chemicals,Construction) source(salesforce)');
obj.setDefinition('Amount', 'random type(number) from(1000000) to(10000000) scale(-3)');
obj.setDefinition('StageName', 'random type(picklist)');
obj.setDefinition('CloseDate', 'random type(date) from(2017-01-01) to(2017-12-31)');
obj.setDefinition('Forceea__c', 'static value(xJio9!23)'); // ** create this field **

If the above commands look like Apex statements, you’re right, they are Apex statements, but you may forget it for the moment! The above script will insert 100 Opportunity records with:

  • Name: Opp-1, Opp-2, .., Opp-100
  • Account: any account for which the Industry is “Chemicals” or “Construction”
  • Amount: a random integer from 1M to 10M, round to 1000 (e.g. 9,252,000)
  • Stage: any picklist value
  • Close date: any date from 1 Jan. 2017 to 31 Dec. 2017

A field definition begins with obj.setDefinition and has two text parameters:

  • The field API name, e.g. Amount or AccountId
  • The SDDL definition, e.g. random type(number) from(1000000) to(10000000) scale(-3) or random type(picklist).

Finally, we insert the created records using obj.insertRecords(true). The parameter true means that it is all or nothing, so if any error happens, no records will be inserted.

The framework has many cool features:

  • Creates records for standard or custom objects, for any standard or custom field.
  • Automatically defines required fields.
  • Can create data for fields of every data type: Integer, Currency, Double, Date, Datetime, Time, Boolean,
    String, TextArea, Percent, Reference, Email, Phone, URL, Base64, Picklist and MultiPicklist.
  • Handles record types and field dependencies (dependent picklists).
  • Supports record groups for inserting and deleting records.
  • Validates the definitions based on the field data type.
  • Can be used for in test methods or for populating Salesforce orgs with sample data for demos and User
    Acceptance Testing (UAT).
  • Has an extended error messaging system.
  • You can get a lot of script examples from http://bit.ly/Forceea131_Examples and download the User Guide from http://bit.ly/Forceea131_UserGuide.

    Write your own scripts

    Now you know what is a Forceea script, let’s see how you can write the scripts for your specific needs. To do this, use the following template:

    FObject obj = new FObject('SObject_API_Name', Number_of_records);
    FObject.seed = 1;
    <field definitions>

    where are one or more SDDL field definitions, like the previous definitions we used to create a script for Opportunity records.

    The seed is very important when you want to create the same random records every time. For example, when you populate a Scratch org with sample data, we may want each developer to have the same (but random) set of records. Forceea uses its own engine to create random data (generally called Pseudo-random Number generator – PRNG), which you can control.

    Now, let’s suppose you want to populate your org with Account and Opportunity records. This means that first you must create records for accounts and then for opportunities (an opportunity is related to an account, that’s why we insert accounts first).


    Open your favourite text editor (I use VSCode) and create a script using the above template. Your script may look like:

    FObject obj = new FObject('Account', 100);
    FObject.seed = 1;
    obj.setDefinition('RecordTypeId', 'static value(BigAccount)');
    obj.setDefinition('Name', 'static value("Company ")');
    obj.setDefinition('Name', 'serial type(number) from(100) step(1) scale(0)');
    obj.setDefinition('NumberOfEmployees', 'random type(number) from(10) to(1000) scale(-1)');
    obj.setDefinition('AnnualRevenue', 'random type(number) from(10000000) to(100000000) scale(3)');
    obj.setDefinition('Rating', 'random type(picklist) except(Hot)');
    obj.setDefinition('Phone', 'random type(phone) format("(30) 210 dD-00-DD")');
    obj.setDefinition('Industry', 'random type(picklist)');
    obj.setDefinition('Type', 'random type(list) value(Prospect, Customer - Direct, Customer - Channel)');
    obj.setDefinition('Site', 'random type(url)');
    obj.setDefinition('ShippingStreet', 'random type(street) group(shipping)');
    obj.setDefinition('ShippingPostalCode', 'random type(postalcode) group(shipping)');
    obj.setDefinition('ShippingCity', 'random type(city) group(shipping)');
    obj.setDefinition('ShippingState', 'random type(state) group(shipping)');
    obj.setDefinition('ShippingCountry', 'random type(country) group(shipping)');

    Even though we don’t have the space here to describe every SDDL definition of the above script, I’d like to mention the first field definition for field RecordTypeId (if you use record types, modify the definition with the API name of your record type instead of BigAccount, otherwise delete this line) and the address definitions ShippingStreet, ShippingPostalCode, etc (where you get real addresses from United States).

    You may think that these definitions are difficult, but most of them are obvious and easy to understand. So, back to our script for the Account SObject, give it the name Accounts.apex and save it into your preferred folder (let’s call it ForceeaScripts).


    Now it’s time to create the Opportunities.apex file with the script for the Opportunity SObject. Follow the previous procedure and write a script like the example I gave you above.

    Keep in mind that Forceea will try to automatically find the required fields and generate a field definition for them but, as a rule of thumb, you should always create your definitions for all required fields.

    Record Deletion

    When you create records, you probably want to repeat this procedure again, and replace the existing set of data with another set with different or the same field values. To do this, you probably want to delete the existing inserted records before you insert the new ones. This is the responsibility of the Record Deletion files.

    First, we’ll delete the opportunities we created. Follow these steps to configure it:

    • Create a new text file, call it delete-opportunities.apex and save it in the ForceeaScripts folder.
    • Write this script in the file:

      String flag = 'xJio9!23';
      List<Opportunity> records = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE Forceea__c = :flag LIMIT 5000];
      delete records;

    You’re right! At first sight these commands may look difficult if you are not a developer, but they aren’t really hard to understand if you follow these instructions:

    • Line 1: You may select your own (random) value, like xJio9!23 – but don’t forget to enclose it in single quotation marks
    • Line 2: Find a filed you don’t use, which has a Text data type or create your own text field and call it Forceea__c. Here I use the latter, because I couldn’t find any available (not used) standard field on the Opportunity SObject.

    Now go to the opportunities.apex file and add the following line before the command obj.insertRecords(true); :

    obj.setDefinition(Forceea__c', 'static value(xJio9!23)');

    As you can see, we set the field definition for the field Forceea to be our static value xJio9!23. Do the same for the Account SObject, creating the file delete-accounts.apex with the following commands:

    String flag = 'xJio9!23';
    List<Account> records = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Tradestyle = :flag LIMIT 5000];
    delete records;

    In Line 2, I suppose the TradeStyle text field is not used in your org, so you may use it here. Else, you should create a new field as previously.

    Go to the accounts.apex file and add the following line before the command obj.insertRecords(true); :

    obj.setDefinition('TradeStyle', 'static value(xJio9!23)');

    Be careful! The above scripts will delete up to 5,000 records, so if you have more records you have 2 options:

    • Increase LIMIT 5000 up to 10000 (e.g. LIMIT 8000)
    • Execute the delete-accounts.apex again (you may use it as many times as you want)

    That’s it! Now you have 4 files into your ForceeaScript folder:

    • account.apex
    • opportunities.apex
    • delete-accounts.apex
    • delete-opportunities.apex

    For your convenience, I have created these files in a zipped file, which you can download from http://bit.ly/ForceeaWithCLI.

    You may use these files for your training. I suppose you should modify them if you want to use them in a production system (with specific requirements for the field values), but you’ll probably need no modifications if you execute them in an out-of-the-box Developer/Scratch org.

    Step 5: Execute your scripts

    The last step is to execute the scripts and insert the created records. Create a new text file, call it execute-scripts.bat and save it in the ForceeaScripts folder (I included it in the above zipped file).

    In this file you’re going to insert the CLI commands which execute the *.apex files you created previously.

    If you use Windows, your execute-scripts.bat file will look like:

    sfdx force:apex:execute -f .\delete-opportunities.apex -u OrgAlias
    sfdx force:apex:execute -f .\delete-accounts.apex -u OrgAlias
    sfdx force:apex:execute -f .\accounts.apex -u OrgAlias
    sfdx force:apex:execute -f .\opportunities.apex -u OrgAlias

    where orgAlias is the alias for your org you defined in Step 2.

    If you’re using a Mac, each command may look like:

    sfdx force:apex:execute -f /Users/Username/Documents/ForceeaScripts/accounts.apex -u OrgAlias

    When you write your Forceea scripts (e.g. your script in the accounts.apex file), you may have errors to correct. For example, you may have misspelled a field’s API name or your SDDL definition may have a syntax error (a very common source of errors is the effect of the Validation Rules and Triggers). Fortunately, the framework has an extensive debug log, with detailed error messages (see the User Guide, pages 44 – 50). You can activate these debug logs, if you insert the command obj.setVerbose(‘info’) or obj.setVerbose(‘debug’) after the first command of your accounts.apex or opportunities.apex script files.

    I suggest you initially execute your script files one by one.

    • If you already have inserted records, first execute the two delete-object files. Copy the “delete” commands from your execute-scripts.bat to your Command Prompt window and execute them. Then verify that records have been deleted successfully.
    • Copy the “insert” commands from your execute-scripts.bat file to your Command Prompt window and execute them one by one, verifying that records have been inserted successfully.
    • When you have verified that everything works as expected, you may just execute your batch file in the Command Prompt window: > execute-scripts.bat (Window users)

    If you are a Mac user, you could use a similar batch execution or just simply copy all commands of the execute-scripts file to the Command Prompt window and execute them at once.

    Because of this process, all lines of the execute-scripts file will be executed sequentially, each on its separate execution context. This is very important, since it will allow each sfdx force:apex:execute command to be executed on its own Governor Limits.

    Optional Step 6: Execute multiple scripts for the same SObject

    You may ask: Why create multiple script files for the same SObject? Well, we just mentioned that each script file (*.apex) is executed by the Salesforce CLI having its own limits. There are a lot of limits, but when you insert records you’re going to hate a limit called “Maximum CPU time on the Salesforce servers”, which is 10,000 ms (that is 10 seconds). In practise this limit may not allow you to insert more than 200 records in a complex implementation (with triggers, many validation rules and so on) or even no more than 50 records!

    So, let’s suppose that you try to insert 2,000 opportunities but the insertion fails because of this limit. What is the process you should follow?

    1. Try to execute the script file (sfdx force:apex:execute -f .\opportunities.apex -u OrgAlias) using 100 records, i.e. FObject(‘Opportunity’, 100)
    2. If your execution is successful, double the records (200), if not set the number of records to half (50).
    3. Follow the same logic, increasing or decreasing the number of records, to find an optimal maximum value. Take into consideration that Salesforce doesn’t always need the same time to execute your script, so it’s better to set a value less than the absolute maximum.

    For example, suppose that you find you can insert up to 250 records. It’s safer to decrease this by 10% and set 225 records.

    • Because you want to insert 2,000 records, but each script file will insert 225 records, you need to create 9 script files. The first 8 files will insert 225 records each and the last one will insert 200 records (225 * 8 + 200 = 2,000 records).
    • The second line of each script file contains the seed number (FObject.seed = …). Here we have something new: we’re going to use different seed numbers for the same SObject. You may use whatever numbers you want or something like 1,2,3, etc. So, the first file will have FObject.seed = 1, the second FObject.seed = 2, etc. Why do we set different seed values? If we don’t, Forceea will create the same (but random) values in each execution for this SObject (same Close dates, same Amounts, etc), something we don’t want at all! Of course, you may omit the seed command if you don’t want to have the same values whenever you execute your scripts.
    • Another important note is this: if you use seed numbers you should always delete the previously created records, unless the same seed number is never used again. For example, if you insert the 2,000 records using seeds from 1 to 9, if you insert new records using a seed between 1 and 9, these new records will be the same as some already created records (something BAD). So, you must use a new seed number (e.g. 10) or delete the records you inserted before inserting new ones.
    • Each script file may have the same or different field definitions. It’s up to you to decide what kind of data you want.
    • And a last tip: if any of your definitions uses the serial command (e.g. serial type(number) … in the Opportunity.apex), first insert the command obj.createRecords(numberOfNextrecord); before the final line obj.insertRecords(true); where numberOfNextrecord is the number of the next record to be inserted. For example, in the first script file it will be createRecords(1), in the second createRecords(101), in the third createRecords(201), etc – under the assumption that you insert 100 records in each script file. If you follow this tip, all inserted records will have a continuous serial number!


    Congratulations! You finally managed to reach at the end of this step-by-step guide. I hope I convinced you that Forceea with Salesforce CLI will make your life much easier. After you create the set of your script files, you can automate the creation of all your SObjects using a unique batch file. CLI will execute your batch files line by line, creating and inserting your records, with each execution with new Limits (which is fantastic!!)

    It will be great to have your feedback after your try to create a few scripts in a Sandbox or Developer org. And don’t hesitate to send an email with any questions or issues you may have.

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