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Tag: DevOps

Continuous Delivery in Salesforce Development

This contributed articole if written by Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung NEXT, NetApp and Check Point, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership. Today he heads Agile SEO, the leading marketing agency in the technology industry.

What Is Continuous Delivery? 

Continuous delivery is a software development practice where code changes are built, tested, and prepared for release to production in a rapid, consistent manner. It aims to make deployments鈥攚hether of a large-scale distributed system, a complex production environment, an embedded system, or an app鈥攑redictable and routine affairs that can be performed at any time on demand.

In the context of Salesforce development, continuous delivery ensures that the code and configuration changes made in Salesforce are always in a releasable state. This means that whenever a change is made, it is immediately tested and prepared for deployment. The continuous delivery approach reduces the lead time for changes, minimizes the risk of deployment failures, and provides quick feedback to the development team.

Continuous delivery in Salesforce development is all about automation. Every stage of the development process鈥攆rom code creation to testing to deployment鈥攊s automated. This eliminates manual errors, accelerates the development process, and ensures that every change is immediately ready for production. It’s about making sure that any version of the software, from any point in its lifecycle, can be reliably and rapidly released.

Benefits of Salesforce Continuous Delivery 

Here are a few of the reasons forward-looking organizations developing code for Salesforce are transitioning to continuous delivery:

Faster Time to Market

CI/CD ensures that every change is immediately ready for deployment, which drastically reduces the lead time for changes. This means that new features and improvements can be delivered to customers more quickly, which can provide a competitive advantage.

Moreover, continuous delivery facilitates a culture of experimentation. Because it’s easy and safe to release changes, you can experiment with new features and improvements more frequently. This can lead to innovative solutions that meet customer needs more effectively and quickly.

Lower Development Costs

By automating the development process, you eliminate the need for manual testing and deployment, which can be time-consuming and expensive. Automation also reduces the risk of human error in deployments, which can lead to costly mistakes and rework.

Furthermore, continuous delivery promotes a “fail fast” mentality. Because changes are released quickly, problems are identified and addressed sooner, which can save significant time and resources in the long run.

Low Risk Releases

When practicing continuous delivery in Salesforce development, every change is immediately tested and prepared for deployment, so the risk of deployment failures is minimized. This means you can release changes with confidence, knowing that they have been thoroughly tested and are ready for production.

Moreover, continuous delivery allows for more frequent releases, which means smaller, more manageable changes. This reduces the risk associated with large, infrequent releases, which can be challenging to manage and troubleshoot.

Setting up the Salesforce Development Environment for Continuous Delivery 

Set Up Version Control

The first step in setting up the Salesforce Development Environment for continuous delivery is setting up version control. Version control systems are essential tools for any software development project, and Salesforce development is no exception. They allow developers to keep track of changes made to the source code, making it easier to collaborate and manage changes. A common choice is Git, a distributed version control system that is widely used in the software development industry.

Setting up version control in Salesforce can be done using Salesforce CLI. After installing Salesforce CLI, you can create a new Git repository in your Salesforce project directory. Then, you can commit and push changes to the repository using Git commands. This process allows you to keep a historical record of your project’s development and facilitates collaboration among team members.

Leverage Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX (Salesforce Developer Experience), is a suite of tools and features that allow developers to build and manage Salesforce apps throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

Salesforce DX provides a modern and integrated development environment, supports team collaboration, and simplifies the process of building and deploying apps. Moreover, Salesforce DX is built around the concept of “source-driven development”, which aligns with the idea of continuous delivery.

To leverage Salesforce DX, you need to install it on your machine and set up a Salesforce DX project. The project will serve as your main workspace, where you can develop, test, and deploy your Salesforce apps. Salesforce DX also integrates with version control systems like Git, making it even more convenient for continuous delivery.

Automate Builds and Testing

Automation is a key component of continuous delivery, as it eliminates the need for manual intervention in the software delivery process.

In Salesforce, you can automate builds using scripts and Salesforce CLI commands. These scripts can be run automatically whenever a change is pushed to the version control system, ensuring that the latest version of the software is always available for testing.

Automating testing is also essential. Salesforce provides several tools for automated testing, including Apex testing and Lightning testing. These tools allow you to write test cases for your Salesforce apps and run them automatically. By automating testing, you can ensure that all changes to the software are thoroughly tested before they are delivered.

Utilize Salesforce鈥檚 Package Management Capabilities

Salesforce packages are containers for something as small as an individual component or as large as a set of related apps. After the package is created, it’s easy to distribute to other orgs and even list on the AppExchange.

Packages are particularly useful in managing customizations and extending Salesforce. By grouping related items into packages, you can track and manage them as a unit, making it easier to deploy changes and roll them back if necessary. This feature ties in well with continuous delivery, where changes are continuously integrated and deployed.

Salesforce provides two types of packages: unmanaged and managed. Unmanaged packages are typically used for distributing open-source projects or templates, while managed packages are used for full-scale app distribution. For continuous delivery it is recommended to use managed packages as they offer more features and control over the package lifecycle.

Scan Code for Security Vulnerabilities

Finally, it’s crucial to consider security. One of the tools you can use for this purpose is Salesforce鈥檚 Security Source Scanner. This tool automatically scans code for security vulnerabilities, helping ensure that the software is secure before it’s delivered.

The Security Source Scanner checks your Salesforce code against a set of security rules. If it finds any violations, it reports them so you can fix them before delivery. This tool is especially useful in a continuous delivery setup, where changes are delivered frequently and there’s a high risk of introducing security vulnerabilities.

In conclusion, setting up a Salesforce development environment for continuous delivery involves several steps, each of which plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and efficient software delivery process. By following these steps, you can streamline your Salesforce development process, improve collaboration among your team, and deliver high-quality Salesforce developments consistently and efficiently.

The Role of Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs in Salesforce DevOps

This is a contributor post. For any question, please contact me for more details.

Salesforce DevOps is the amalgamation of software development and IT operations. It aims to speed up the development cycle, enabling continuous, high-quality software delivery.

In Salesforce DevOps, sandboxes and scratch orgs are essential as they provide isolated environments for development, testing, and staging without disrupting the production environment. 

By facilitating continuous integration, delivery, and collaboration, these tools align with the core principles of DevOps, streamlining the application lifecycle from development to deployment.

Understanding Salesforce DevOps

Salesforce DevOps assists in developing and deploying Salesforce applications. It enables organizations to deliver applications and services rapidly and efficiently.

By promoting collaboration between developers and operations teams, DevOps practices help reduce the time to move from code committed to successfully running production.

Critical Components of Salesforce DevOps

  1. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD): This is a critical aspect of Salesforce DevOps, where developers frequently commit code to a shared repository, and automated builds and tests are run. Continuous delivery extends this by automatically deploying code to production after it passes tests, ensuring that code is always in a deployable state.
  2. Automation: In Salesforce DevOps, automation eliminates manual efforts, reduces errors, and speeds up processes. It is used in testing, deployment, and monitoring to ensure consistent and error-free operations.
  3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): This practice involves managing and provisioning computing infrastructure through machine-readable scripts rather than manual processes. It promotes consistency and scalability in the infrastructure.
  4. Monitoring: Monitoring tools track application performance, usage, errors, and other metrics. This data is essential for maintaining system health and for making informed decisions.
  5. Cultural Changes: Salesforce DevOps is not just about tools and technologies; it also involves a cultural shift. This includes breaking down silos between development and operations teams, fostering collaboration, promoting ownership, and encouraging continuous learning and improvement.

Image Source: Salesforce

Process and Workflow in Salesforce DevOps

The Salesforce DevOps process typically involves several stages, each with specific workflows:

  1. Plan: This includes defining the requirements, designing the solution, and planning the work.
  2. Code: Developers use Salesforce’s development tools and environments to code the solution. Code is version-controlled, typically using Git.
  3. Build and Test: Code is built into a release and tested. Automated tests are used to verify that the solution works as expected.
  4. Deploy: The release is deployed to a staging environment for further testing and review. Once approved, it’s deployed to the production environment.
  5. Operate: The application is monitored, and any issues are addressed. User feedback is gathered for future improvements.
  6. Learn and Improve: Data from the operation phase and user feedback are used to learn and improve the application and the development process.

Deep Dive into Salesforce Sandboxes

In Salesforce, a sandbox replicates your production environment for testing and development. It provides a space where developers can safely experiment, build, and test changes without affecting the live application.

4 Types of Sandboxes in Salesforce:

  1. Developer sandboxes: Created explicitly for coding and testing purposes, allowing a single developer to work with a copy of the organization’s configuration without any production data.
  2. Developer Pro: Developer Pro sandboxes are similar to Developer sandboxes but provide more storage. They’re designed to handle more extensive development and testing tasks and accommodate larger teams.
  3. Partial Copy: Contain your organization’s metadata and a sample of your production data. They are used for complex testing and training purposes.
  4. Full: Full sandboxes are a complete copy of your production org, including all data and metadata. They are used for performance testing, load testing, and staging.

How to Use Sandboxes in Salesforce Development

Salesforce Sandboxes are used for development, testing, and training without compromising the data and functionality of the production environment.

Here are the steps to use sandboxes in Salesforce development:

  1. Create or refresh a Sandbox: Based on the requirements, create or refresh a sandbox using (Developer, Developer Pro, Partial Copy, or Full).
  2. Develop and Test: Developers make the necessary changes and additions in the sandbox environment, including creating new features, customizing existing ones, or fixing bugs. Once the changes are made, they can perform unit tests to ensure everything works as expected.
  3. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): After the developer’s testing, the business users or QA team can review and test the changes.
  4. Deploy to Production: After successful UAT, the changes can be deployed to the production environment using change sets, Salesforce CLI, or any third-party CI/CD tool.

Image Source: Salesforce

Benefits and Limitations of Using Sandboxes

There are benefits and limitations to using Sandboxes. Knowing them can help your team utilize them to their full potential:

Different teams can use multiple sandboxes for simultaneous development and testing.Keeping Sandboxes synchronized with the production environment can be challenging.
Sandboxes can train users and test real-world scenarios without impacting live data.The number of available sandboxes depends on your Salesforce edition and the licenses you have.
A safe environment to develop and test changes without affecting the live production environment.Full and Partial Copy sandboxes have specific refresh intervals (29 days and 5 days, respectively), which can limit their usability in specific scenarios.

In-depth Understanding of Salesforce Scratch Orgs

Salesforce Scratch Orgs are temporary environments that can be fully customized to mirror different Salesforce editions with varying features and preferences. As part of Salesforce DX, Scratch Orgs are source-driven, disposable deployments of Salesforce code and metadata.

Setting up and Configuring Scratch Orgs

Setting up a Scratch Org involves these steps:

  1. Install Salesforce CLI: Salesforce Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool required to create and manage Scratch Orgs.
  2. Authenticate Dev Hub: You must authenticate with your Dev Hub org before creating a Scratch Org. Dev Hub is the central hub that controls creating and provides services for Scratch Orgs.
  3. Create a Scratch Org: After authentication, you can create a Scratch Org using the “sfdx force:org:create” command.
  4. Push Source to Scratch Org: You then push your source into the Scratch Org using the “sfdx force:source:push” command.

Image Source: Salesforce

Use Cases and Best Practices for Scratch Orgs

Here are a few use cases and best practices:

  1. Feature Development and Testing: Scratch Orgs are perfect for developing and testing a new feature or bug fix. Each developer can have their own Scratch Org to work independently.
  2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery: Scratch Orgs can be used in CI/CD pipelines where automated tests are run in a Scratch Org to ensure code quality.
  3. Source-Driven Development: One best practice with Scratch Orgs is to always pull changes from the Scratch Org to keep the version control system current.
  4. Dispose after use: As Scratch Orgs are temporary, dispose of them after developing or testing to effectively manage the available Scratch Orgs.

Benefits and Limitations of Scratch Orgs

There are benefits and drawbacks to Scratch Orgs that developers must be aware of.

Scratch Orgs provide isolated environments that can be tailored to match specific development needs.Scratch Orgs are temporary, and keeping track of changes if they’re not correctly pulled into source control can be a challenge.
They support a source-driven development modelThe number of active Scratch Orgs you can have depends on your Salesforce DX edition and licenses.
Scratch Orgs are ideal for automated testing and continuous integration, which promotes rapid, reliable releases.The shift from org-based to source-driven development with Scratch Orgs can be a steep learning curve for some developers.

Relative Analysis of Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs

The following analysis overviews the similarities and differences between Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs.

  1. Environment for Testing and Development: Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs are isolated environments used for development and testing. They allow developers to create, modify, and test features without affecting the production environment.
  2. Replication of Production Environment: Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs replicate your production environment. They can be configured to mimic different Salesforce editions with different features and preferences.

Differences between Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs

Choosing between these tools can be complex, but knowing the difference can help make your decision.

SandboxesScratch Orgs
Include production data (based on the sandbox type.)Scratch Orgs are empty environments that don’t contain any data from your production org.
No expirationLimited lifespan (maximum of 30 days)
Used for multiple stages of development, including development, testing, staging, and training.A source-driven development model where changes are tracked in a version control system.

Use Cases for Each: When to Use Sandbox v.s Scratch Org

The following cases state which tool best suits a specific task.

  1. Sandbox: Use Sandboxes for tasks that require persistence and longer-term stability. Sandboxes are ideal for final-stage testing, performance testing, user training, and for staging environments for quality assurance. They are also helpful when you need a copy of your production data for development and testing.
  2. Scratch Org: Use Scratch Orgs for short-term tasks, such as developing new features or testing the impact of changes. They are best suited for individual developers or teams following a source-driven development model. They are also suitable for automating unit tests and implementing continuous integration/delivery pipelines.

Role of Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs in Salesforce DevOps

Continuous Integration (CI) regularly merges code changes into a central repository. Both Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs play a critical role in CI. Developers can use Sandboxes or

Scratch Orgs to create and test features before integrating them into the main codebase. Scratch Orgs are particularly useful for CI because they’re easily made, disposed of, and can be aligned to specific user stories or tasks, enabling isolated testing and reducing potential conflicts.

Role in Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment

Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment extend CI by automating the release of changes to staging or production environments. Sandboxes can serve as staging environments for these releases, allowing final testing and review before deployment to production.

On the other hand, Scratch Orgs can be incorporated into delivery pipelines to automate the creation of temporary environments for testing. This ensures that code is always in a deployable state, reduces the risk of deployment failures, and speeds up the delivery process.

How Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs Enhance Collaboration and Efficiency

Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs promote a collaborative approach to development. Multiple developers can work simultaneously in different Sandboxes or Scratch Orgs without affecting each other’s work.

Scratch Orgs are tied to source control, allowing easy tracking of changes and facilitating collaboration across distributed teams. The ability to quickly set up, test, and dispose of Scratch Orgs boosts efficiency. With their persistence, Sandboxes allow for extended collaboration over longer project timelines.

Impact on Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing and quality assurance is integral to the software development lifecycle. Sandboxes enable developers to test new features in an environment closely mirroring production. The ability to copy production data (in Full and Partial Copy sandboxes) allows for realistic and robust testing.

Scratch Orgs, being fully configurable, can mimic very specific testing scenarios, providing an environment for fine-grained, accurate tests. By utilizing these tools, developers can catch and fix issues early, ultimately enhancing the quality of the application.


In conclusion, Salesforce Sandboxes, and Scratch Orgs are critical assets in the Salesforce development environment, enabling safe, flexible, and efficient application creation, testing, and deployment.

The Salesforce DevOps landscape, enriched with the complexities and ever-expanding features of Sandboxes, Scratch Orgs, and the Salesforce DX framework, offers a rewarding journey for novice and experienced developers.

Understanding and mastering these tools is pivotal in delivering robust, high-quality applications and fostering continuous learning, growth, and impactful contributions within your organization.

馃摚DevOps Center is now Generally Available!

Finally this amazing tool is GA!

DevOps Center is IMHO one of the most anticipated tools that we, the community of Salesforce professionals, were waiting since ages 馃懘

This gap has been filled in the years by many amazing products like Copado, Flosum, Gearset, AutoRABIT, Blue Canvas, Prodly or Opsera to name a few, but finally a Salesforce branded tool has just born to overcome many of the difficulties with Change Sets.

DevOps Center is a valid alternative to organize your work, track changes automatically, integrate seamlessly with GitHub (other GIT providers coming soon), and deploy updates easily with clicks: developers who are used to work on Git can still go on with it as DevOps center automatically updates its UI based on Git activity and admins can still participate in tracking changes on Git using clicks and not command line.

DevOps Center is available in any production org with Professional, Enterprise, or Unlimited Edition, or a Developer Edition org…so you can get your hands dirty!

Take a look at Salesforce Developers official blog for more links on how to learn!

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