When Salesforce is life!

Tag: ChatGPT

I present you ChatGPT Pal, Yet another OpenAI Client 🤖

About 2 weeks ago I asked #ChatGPT to help me to build a browser extension to call OpenAI’s APIs…in about 1.5 hours I packed a working extension, with a save of about 2/3 hours!

After few questions it gave me the whole extension code, comprised of UI interface, options, manifest and stuff.

The code was not working as output but ChatGPT, it needs modifications and enhancements, but it actually helped me delivering in 1/3 of the time…after that, I coded few other hours because I’m a nerd 🤓 and I wanted to make it easy but complete.

I’ve just published the extension on the Chrome Web Store, have a look and let me know what you think on my social channels!

👉 https://organizer.solutions/chatbuddy.html

💡ChatGPT + Salesforce = 🤯

Seeing a lot of surprise around #chatgpt and wanted to do my own test…

What is ChatGOPT? According to the main site(…) ChatGPT (…) [is a trained IA that, ndr] interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.

In 2 words, you make a question and ChatGPT tries its best to respond you via text, you can even ask it to write some coding!
I asked “write a bubble sort algorithm in Salesforce Apex that sorts a Contact array based on Name field length
Which ok, it’s not the whole codebase of the Hubble Telescope but so far this is the result:

📣Announcement to all coders: prepare to change your job 🤣🤣🤣

Last question:

Try it out and share the fun 🤣

Link: ChatGPT

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