Finally this amazing tool is GA!

DevOps Center is IMHO one of the most anticipated tools that we, the community of Salesforce professionals, were waiting since ages 👴

This gap has been filled in the years by many amazing products like Copado, Flosum, Gearset, AutoRABIT, Blue Canvas, Prodly or Opsera to name a few, but finally a Salesforce branded tool has just born to overcome many of the difficulties with Change Sets.

DevOps Center is a valid alternative to organize your work, track changes automatically, integrate seamlessly with GitHub (other GIT providers coming soon), and deploy updates easily with clicks: developers who are used to work on Git can still go on with it as DevOps center automatically updates its UI based on Git activity and admins can still participate in tracking changes on Git using clicks and not command line.

DevOps Center is available in any production org with Professional, Enterprise, or Unlimited Edition, or a Developer Edition org…so you can get your hands dirty!

Take a look at Salesforce Developers official blog for more links on how to learn!