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[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: ApexPage

Source: ApexPage

The ApexComponent, as you would expect, is the record for the Visual Force Component.

Note that, even if the describe states that the ApexPage is creatable and updatable, an exception is thrown if you try to insert/update via API a class: use the tooling API or metadata API instead.

Among the fields, you can query for the markup of the component, its Apex controller.

Here an example:

Select Id, Name, ApiVersion, Markup, ControllerKey, ControllerType, isAvailableInTouch, IsConfirmationTokenRequired From ApexPage ORDER BY Name

THe IsConfirmationTokenRequired flag can be updated in the standard UI or in the Developer Console (under Settings button) and is used to allow Secure Cross Site Request Forgery.

What is it?

This is a way to secure your pages when using GET requests, i.e. when you make changes to the Data Model that should not be looped with, e.g., subsequent GET requests.

How does it work?

Salesforce appends a unique token (per user / session), that is a 128 bit (16 chars) string, in the page URL with the _CONFIRMATIONTOKEN parameter: this token can be used only once, and the VisualForce engine automatically handles the parameter validity.

Unfortunately this mechanism is provided only when overriding the delete standard button-

Let’s make a try.

Let’s create a new Visual Force page (no action indeed):

<apex:page standardController="Case">

This is a page with a standard controller that actually does nothing, but it is just to prove what we are trying to do.

Click on the Settings button on the developer console to enable the Require CSRF protection on GET requests flag:

If you try to load the page manually, you’ll get this wonderful error:

If you append the _CONFIRMATIONTOKEN parameter with a random value, the message changes:

If we find a way to pass the correct token, we’ll see the page.

As said, the only way to make Salesforce generate that token, is to override the delete button action.

Go to Setup > Customize > Cases > Buttons, Links and Actions and click Edit next to the Delete action:

Now try to delete a Case:

Salesforce will be releasing in the next future this feature for other actions.

[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: ApexLog

Source: ApexLog

The ApexLog gives access to the Debug Log.

To enable log monitoring for a user, go to Setup > Logs > Debug Logs and click the New button to add an user.

These rows can be queried:

select id, StartTime, Application, DurationMilliseconds, Location, LogLength, LogUser.Name, Operation, Status from apexlog order by StartTime DESC

You can read all the infos regarding the given apex log, such as the User, kind of request, the size of the log, its status, but you cannot access the raw content: to get to the raw content you have to make a Tooling API request to the endpoint:

GET https://xxx.salesforce.com/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/ApexLog/[APEXLOG_ID]/Body/
  Authorization: Bearer [SESSION_TOKEN]

The session token could be grabbed with an anonymous Apex call to UserInfo.getSessionId() or using the OAuth Password flow described in the ActionLinkGroupTemplate object.

This is what you get:

17:13:22.020 (20181893)|EXECUTION_STARTED
17:13:22.020 (20210501)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|06624000003BOE1|VF: /apex/ConfirmationTokenRequired
17:35:30.036 (36842637)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|execute_anonymous_apex
17:35:30.038 (38198449)|EXECUTION_FINISHED
17:13:22.040 (40498571)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|ApexDataSource:MongoDBDataSrouceProvider
17:13:22.040 (40523619)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|ApexDataSource:MongoDBDataSrouceProvider
17:13:22.043 (43448400)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[71]|Bytes:3
17:13:22.043 (43497592)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[76]|Bytes:152
17:13:22.043 (43514859)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[272]|Bytes:408
17:13:22.043 (43534730)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[285]|Bytes:408
17:13:22.043 (43553779)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[379]|Bytes:48
17:13:22.043 (43582592)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[131]|Bytes:6
17:13:22.043 (43605101)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:6
17:13:22.043 (43624664)|METHOD_ENTRY|[1]|01p2400000AgxCj|MongoDBDataSrouceProvider.MongoDBDataSrouceProvider()
17:13:22.043 (43630791)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[1]
17:13:22.043 (43636403)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[1]
17:13:22.043 (43641248)|METHOD_EXIT|[1]|MongoDBDataSrouceProvider
17:13:22.043 (43660705)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:4
17:13:22.043 (43671735)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[1]|this|MongoDBDataSrouceProvider|true|false
17:13:22.043 (43713117)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[1]|this|{}|0x74896a31
17:13:22.043 (43758665)|SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_ENTRY|[EXTERNAL]|()
17:13:22.043 (43866237)|SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_EXIT|[EXTERNAL]|()
17:13:22.043 (43880333)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[1]
17:13:22.043 (43892018)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|ApexDataSource:MongoDBDataSrouceProvider
17:13:22.044 (44048812)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:4
17:13:22.044 (44059804)|SYSTEM_MODE_ENTER|false
17:13:22.044 (44067540)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[7]|this|MongoDBDataSrouceProvider|true|false
17:13:22.044 (44087738)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[7]|this|{}|0x74896a31
17:13:22.044 (44101508)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[7]
17:13:22.044 (44104497)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[8]
17:13:22.044 (44112485)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[8]|Bytes:4
17:13:22.044 (44182135)|SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_ENTRY|[8]|()
17:13:22.044 (44204845)|SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_EXIT|[8]|()
17:13:22.044 (44210268)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[8]|capabilities|List|true|false
17:13:22.044 (44237205)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:4
17:13:22.044 (44259684)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[8]|capabilities|{"s":1,"v":[]}|0x3ce93902
17:13:22.044 (44264466)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[9]
17:13:22.044 (44381336)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[9]|List.add(Object)
17:13:22.044 (44408889)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:4
17:13:22.044 (44420907)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[9]|List.add(Object)
17:13:22.044 (44426463)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[10]
17:13:22.044 (44439376)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[10]|List.add(Object)
17:13:22.044 (44453626)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:4
17:13:22.044 (44462615)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[10]|List.add(Object)
17:13:22.044 (44466873)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[11]
17:13:22.044 (44476051)|SYSTEM_MODE_EXIT|false
17:13:22.044 (44490717)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|ApexDataSource:MongoDBDataSrouceProvider
17:13:22.061 (61085594)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE
17:13:22.061 (61085594)|LIMIT_USAGE_FOR_NS|(default)|

[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: ApexComponent

Source: ApexComponent

The ApexComponent, as you would expect, is the record for the Visual Force Component.

Note that, even if the describe states that the ApexComponent is creatable and updatable, an exception is thrown if you try to insert/update via API a class: use the tooling API or metadata API instead.

Among the fields, you can query for the markup of the component, its Apex controller.

Here an example:

Select Id, Name, ApiVersion, Markup, ControllerKey, ControllerType, From ApexComponent ORDER BY Name

[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: ApexClass

Source: ApexClass

The ApexClass is the most beloved object for Salesforce Developers.

It identifies a specific Apex Class, so you can query for Classes runtime.

Note that, even if the describe states that the ApexClass is creatable and updatable, an exception is thrown if you try to insert/update via API a class: use the tooling API or metadata API instead.

Among the fields, you can query for the Body of the class, whether it is valid or not, size in byte without comments.

Here an example:

Select Id, Name, ApiVersion, Body, IsValid, LengthWithoutComments From ApexClass ORDER BY Name

[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: Announcement

Source: Announcement

This object represents a Chatter Group Announcement.

To create a new announcement, go to the Chatter tab, select (or create) a group:

Click on More > Announcement and select the body of the announcement and an expiration date:

A section will compare on the Group’s sidebar:

The Announcement object is a detail of the FeedItem object that specifies the Expiration Date of the feed. Given the following query:

select FeedItem.Body, ExpirationDate, Parent.Name from Announcement

To create the object programmatically follow these rules:

//query the Collaboration Grouop
CollaborationGroup group = [Select Id From CollaborationGroup Where Name = 'Awesome Group'];

//creates a feed item; type "AdvancedTextPost" is mandatory
FeedItem item = new FeedItem(Type='AdvancedTextPost', ParentId=group.Id, Body='This is an awesome announcement');
insert item;

//create the announcement
Announcement anc = new announcement(FeedItemId=item.Id, ExpirationDate=System.today().addDays(10));
insert anc;

//upate the group
update group;

[Salesforce / Lightning Connect] Lightning Connect Custom Adapters and MongoDB (DML support) pt.2

Do you remember the Lightning Connect Custom Adapters and MongoDB post?

Things have changed after that post and finally the platform supports all DML statements: insert, update and delete!

To make the magic work I had to make:

Follow the post instructions to setup up your Heroku app.

The core changes are the support for the methods.

Open the MongoDBDataSrouceProvider.cls class:

override global List getCapabilities() {
 List capabilities = new List();
 //new capabilities added

 return capabilities;

The provider has been added with more capabilities, CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE.

Let’s open the MongoDBDataSourceConnectio.cls class and look at the 2 new methods:

global override List<DataSource.UpsertResult> upsertRows(DataSource.UpsertContext context) {
    List<DataSource.UpsertResult> results = new List<DataSource.UpsertResult>();
    List<Map<String, Object>> rows = context.rows;
    Http h = new Http();
    for(Integer i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++){
        Map<String,Object> row = rows[i];
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        Map<String,Object> invoice = new Map<String,Object>();
        invoice.put('accountid', row.get('Account'));
        invoice.put('contractid', row.get('Contract'));
        invoice.put('created', row.get('CreatedDate'));
        invoice.put('amount', row.get('Amount'));
        invoice.put('description', row.get('Description'));
        HttpResponse response = h.send(request);
        List<Object> mList = (List<Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
        Map<String, Object> m = (Map<String, Object>)mList[0];
        if (response.getStatusCode() == 200){
            String objId = String.valueOf(m.get('_id'));
                objId = String.valueOf(row.get('ExternalId'));
        else {
                String.valueOf(row.get('ExternalId')), 'The callout resulted in an error: ' + response.getStatusCode()+' - '+response.getBody()));
    return results;

global override List<DataSource.DeleteResult> deleteRows(DataSource.DeleteContext context) {
    List<DataSource.DeleteResult> results = new List<DataSource.DeleteResult>();
    Http h = new Http();
    for (String externalId : context.externalIds){
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();

        HttpResponse response = h.send(request);
        if (response.getStatusCode() == 200
            || response.getStatusCode() == 201){
        else {
                String.valueOf(externalId), 'The callout resulted in an error: ' + response.getStatusCode()+' - '+response.getBody()));
   return results;

WARNING: this code is not optimized for bulk upsert/delete because it makes a callout for every record.

It’s a proove of concept, so I challenge you to bulkify the class!

How can you insert an external object provided by a Lightning Connect adapter?

The Database class has been provided with new methods:

  • deleteAsync
  • insertAsync
  • updateAsync

These methods are used to make the calls to the remote system and actually do the work!

Database.insertAsync(new List<MongoDB_Invoice__x>{
    new MongoDB_Invoice__x(Amount__c=1, Description__c ='Async Test 1'),
    new MongoDB_Invoice__x(Amount__c=2, Description__c ='Async Test 2')
Database.deleteAsync([Select Id From MongoDB_Invoice__x Where Description__c = 'Async Test 1']);

Every method has an alternative method that provides a callback class, which allows to make further actions after the records are upserted/deleted.

For instance, the asyncUpdate has an optional second parameter of type Database.AsyncSaveCallback that can be created to execute some logic after a specific record is done (the class is called every time a record is updated).

Every asyncDML method returns a List of Database.DeleteResult or Database.SaveResult that contains a link to the asynchrounous operation that can be retrieved by calling the Database.getAsyncLocator(result) method and passing the value to the Database.getAsyncSaveResult(asyncLocator) or Database.getAsyncDeleteResult(asyncLocator): this way you can get the status of the asynchronous operation.

[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: AllowedEmailDomain

Back to the Sobject Crusade list.

Source: AllowedEmailDomain

To enable this object you need to contact Salesforce.com support: I had no way to enable it quickly so I’m just gonna post what this feature means.

The AllowedEmailDomain object is used to store the allowed email domains for your users.

To configure it go to Setup > Manage Users > : you can add domains (e.g. google.com) or even subdomains (e.g. app.enree.co): from now on every new or updated user’s Email field must match the domain whitelist configure in this section.

Existing users’ emails will still be valid till their update.

This restriction doesn’t apply to external users (portal, Communities or Chatter, or simply every user that has a related Contact/Account).

More info here.

[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: AgentWork

Back to the Sobject Crusade list.

Source: AgentWork

This object represents work item assignment that has been routed to an Agent: this is basically a new type of queue management introduced with Summer 15 called Omni-Channel.

Omni-Channel is a comprehensive customer service solution that lets your call center route any type of incoming work item, including cases, chats, phone calls, or leads—to the most qualified, available agents in your organization.
Omni-Channel integrates seamlessly into the Salesforce console.

This release contains a beta version of Omni-Channel that is production quality but has known limitations (Summer 15).

To enable Omni-Channel go to Customize > Omni-Channel > Settings and flag Enable Omni-Channel.

Now let’s create a Service Channel: this is the source of work items for the Omni-Channel, and can be associated to various standard objects and even custom object.

These objects are taken from queues and sent to the agent’s console in real time.

To create a new Service Channel, click on Customize > Omni-Channel > Service Channels:

The Custom Console Footer Component field is optionally used to open a specific component on the Console when that specific work item is selected.

Next step is creating Routing Configurations, which determine how work items are routed to agents; click on Customize > Omni-Channel > Routing Configurations:


  • Routing Priority: is the priority of the current Service Channel. Other factors are counted when calculating the priority (available capacity of the agent, priority of the queue that the work item came from, amount of time that the work item has been waiting in the queue, members of the queue who are available to receive new work items from the queue). When an agent gets a work item, the owner of the object is set to the agent.
  • Routing Model: reflects the agent’s behavior
  • Capacity Weight: amount of agent’s capacity (set in the Capacity field of the presence configuration) scaled down when the work item is assigned. You can select a Capacity Weight or a Capacity Percentage, but not both.
  • Capacity Percentage: percent of agent’s capacity scaled down when the work item is assigned

Now you can link your ORG queues to the Routing Configurations.

Click on Setup > Manage Users > Queues:

In the Routing Configuration set the configuration you have set up in the previous step.

Next step is to configure Agent’s presence statuses: this way we can set up how much work every agent can handle.

When you enable the Omni-Channel feature Salesforce adds a Default Presence configuration to be applied to all Agent’s by default.

Go to Customize > Omni-Channel > Presence Configurations and click the New:

You can set:

  • Capacity: maximum Agent’s capacity
  • Automatically Accept Requests: automatically assigns a work item to an available agent
  • Allow Agents to Decline Requests: Agents can decline assignments; if “Automatically Accept Requests” is set to true, agents cannot decline
  • Update Status on Decline: update status when declining, only available if “Allow Agents to Decline Requests” is flagged

Finally one or more channels can be associated with different Presence Statuses, on Setup > Customise > Omni-Channel > Presence Statuses:

To assign Presence Statuses to users go to the User’s Profile on the Enabled Service Presence Status Access and click edit:

This could be done as well using Permission Sets. Take a Case and set the Owner to be the previously created queue (so we can test it). Now configure the Cloud Console App (Setup > Apps > [YOUR_CONSOLE_APP_NAME]) to use the Omni-Channel component:

Now open the Console App (Developer Orgs come with a Sample Console app):

Go online by clicking on the presence status link to see the magic start:

You can change the object’s compact layout (for Case go to Setup > Cases > Compact Layout) to show other informations of the object:

You can integrate with an already configured Live Agent. For more details read the official docs. Click “Accept” and the new AgentWork will be stored in the CRM:

select id,lastmodifieddate,CapacityPercentage,CapacityWeight,Name,OriginalQueue.Name,status,WorkItemId,ServiceChannelId,UserId from agentwork order by lastmodifieddate DESC

It shows all the Work Items assigned to the agents (this is basically the history of plyaing with a Case and looping over assigning to a queue and accepting/declining with the current User as Agent).

[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: AdditionalNumber

Back to the Sobject Crusade list.

Source: AdditionalNumber

This is an optional additional number for a call center, visible on the call center’s phone directory: this is useful for numbers not releated to CRM objects (e.g. queues, conference rooms).

This seems boring, but continue reading to see some more action!

To create a new number, go to Setup > Customize > Call Center > Directory Numbers and click the New button:

The object can be optionally linked to a specific call center: if not set, this will be considered a global value (cross-call center valid).

Upon save you can query this object:

select Id, Name, Phone, Description, CallCenterId from AdditionalNumber

This is awesome, right?

Not at all!

Let’s see how this is included in the overall Call Center configuration.

The Call Center configuration involves the configuration of a Computer Telephony Intgration, aka CTI.

As you can see in the picture above, CTI is an external service that communities with Salesforce: it is responsibile for handling phone (and other means, such as SMS or chat) communications and sending back to the CRM information about the call (e.g. calling number, duration of the call, origin, …).

Here you can find the latest complete guide on CTI configuration.

Salesforce.com fortunately give developers a way to try this feature out without having to have access to real CTI hardware.

First download the CTI Demo Adapter from this link.

Once installed, you’ll see the icon in the lower right corner of your desktop (sorry, MS Windows systems only); take the [installed dir]/DemoAdapter.xml file.

Now click on Setup > Customize > Call Center > Call Centers and click the Import button and import the previous XML file.

Click on Add user button to add new users (your current user at least).

Go to the Home page, you’ll see a new component on the sidebar:

Wait till you see a new popup appearing (if it takes longer that a few seconds, click the button):

If you can’t still see anything, it may be because of this kind of error while loading the CTI “localhost” service (see the CTI Adapter URL field on the Call Center setup page):

This happens because you are on an HTTPs site and trying to load an HTTP (less secure) content inside an iframe (don’t worry it’s not your fault!).

Click on the little shield on the addess bar (I’m using Chrome) and click on “Load Anyway” link on the popup that will appear (and reload the page).

Insert your Salesforce username/password to connect to the CTI:

Now the fake CTI adapter can trigger the following actions (right click on the adapter icon):

All this configuration to show where the AdditionalNumber object lays.

Click on the search button next to the textbox for dialing a number:

Select the number and watch it on the dial box:

Just for fun, let’s take an Account and assign it the “4155551212” phone number:

This means that when the customer calls from this number, the CTI adapter will give Salesforce the calling phone number and redirects the user to the correct Account page. Let’s click on the “Call From 415-555-1212” CTI Adapter action:

To watch Salesforce loading automagically the given Account page:

The sidebar shows additional infos for the Call Log, you can update as needed: this call will be saved in a Task object:

You can customize the Demo Adapter by changing the “demo_menu.xml” file (see more datails in the guide).

[Salesforce] The Sobject Crusade: ActivityHistory

Back to the Sobject Crusade list.

Source: ActivityHistory

The ActivityHistory object is a read-only object that shows all completed Tasks and past Events related to a give object (e.g. Account). It includes activities for all contacts related to the object.

This object is shown in the Activity History related list:

Few limitations apply:

  • The object cannot be queried directly but only queried through inner query (e.g. Select Id, (Select Subject From ActivityHistory) From Account Where Name = ‘ACME bros’)
  • Your main query must reference exactly 1 record
  • Inner query must not have a WHERE clause
  • Inner query must filter a maximum of 500 items

Here is an example query:

SELECT Name, (SELECT ActivityDate, Subject, IsTask FROM ActivityHistories ORDER BY ActivityDate ASC NULLS LAST Limit 500) FROM Account WHERE Name =’ACME Bros’

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